First Ever Science Mega Event in Pokhara: KaSAM-2016 

प्रकासित मिति: ४ भाद्र २०७३, शनिबार १५:५५

14079811_10208940561488655_2992968068178326303_nThe third international conference Kathmandu Symposia on Advanced Materials (KaSAM)is being organized from 17- 20, October in Pokhara. This is the first time Pokhara will host an international scientific meeting of this kind. The first and second KaSAM were organized in Kathmandu in 2012 and 2014. The previous meeting saw participants from multiple corners of the globe. Both of the conferences were highly successful since many eminent scientists, researchers, and students participated and presented their works. KaSAM is becoming an international forum where scientists and technologists discuss about recent advances, challenges and future pathways. The conference is expected to be successful in attracting the scientistsseeking to discusstheir researchwith others in the scientific community. KASAM-2016 is being organized by Nepal Polymer Institute (NPI) with the cooperation of a Germany based organization namedInstitut fur Polymerwerkstoffe(IPW). The motto of the conference is Cross Linking Science and Virtues. Participants will present their works on Nanostructural and Biorelatedmaterials in the form of lectures and posters.

NPI President and Convener of the conference Prof. Dr. RameshwarAdhikari informed that Nepal Polymer Institute is regularly organizing the Kathmandu Autumn School on Chemistry and Chemical Technologies (KASChem) in different cities of Nepal to attract the young science doers and researchers to contribute in the development of Nepal by promoting science and technology. NPI is the only organization in Nepal that is the member of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. NPI also recently organized first ever Young Scientist Summit (YSS) 2016 in Nepal in which many young science lovers thronged and showed their talents. Every three years it also organizes International Conference on Infectious Diseases and Nanomedicine (ICIDN). ICIDN conferences were previously held in 2012 and in 2015 in Kathmandu. Organizing Committee expects all round cooperation from everyone includingthe press to popularize science related events among the public.



Bhansar Bivag
Argakhachi Cement